Average Quiz | Aptitude Important MCQ with Solution #mcq_CetJob - Multiple choice questions and Objectives
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Average Quiz | Aptitude Important MCQ 

1 >>Q1. The average of 20, 25, 30, 35 and x is 24, then find the value of x____ ?
  • (A) 12
  • (B) 10
  • (C) 20
  • (D) 22
2 >>Q2. The average weight of 20 students of a class is 25 kg. If one student named Vinay leaves the class, the average weights of the class decreases by 0.2 kg. What is the weight of Vinay? ?
  • (A) 30 kg
  • (B) 29.90 kg
  • (C) 28.80 kg
  • (D) 22 kg
3 >>Q3. The average cost of 16 items is Rs. 59. Four items with an average price of Rs 60 are returned and three other items costing Rs 39, Rs 49 and Rs 40 are also returned. What is the new average? ?
  • (A) Rs.64
  • (B) Rs.62
  • (C) Rs.63
  • (D) Rs.65
4 >>Q4. The average weight of 18 students in a class is 15 kg. If one student leaves the class, the average weight decreases by 0.8 kg. What is the weight of that student? ?
  • (A) 25.5kg
  • (B) 26.6 kg
  • (C) 29.6 kg
  • (D) 28.6kg

5 >>Q5. The average marks of a student in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is 78. His average marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology is 80. The average of his marks in Mathematics and Biology is 87. What will be his marks in Biology? ?
  • (A) 91
  • (B) 90
  • (C) 95
  • (D) 97
6 >>Q6. Ankit, Brijesh and Rohit are three brothers. The average height of any two of them exceeds half the height of the third by 80 cm. What will be the height of Ankit? ?
  • (A) 160 cm
  • (B) 167 cm
  • (C) 176 cm
  • (D) 186 cm
7 >>Q7. The average salary of 50 men in an office is Rs.3000. The average salary of the women in the office is Rs.10000. If the average salary of all the employees in the office is Rs. 8000. What is the number of women in the office? ?
  • (A) 210
  • (B) 160
  • (C) 125
  • (D) 110
8 >>Q8. A group of 100 candidates appear in an examination, the average of the marks obtained is 40. If the average marks of the candidates who pass is 45 and the average of those who fail is 25, then what is the number of candidates who pass? ?
  • (A) 75
  • (B) 85
  • (C) 105
  • (D) 95
9 >>Q9. The average age of 4 men in a group is 34 years. If a man joins the group, the average age of the group increases by 2 years. What will be the age of that man? ?
  • (A) 44 years
  • (B) 43 years
  • (C) 41 years
  • (D) 42 years

10 >>Q10. The average marks of classes P, Q and R in a test are 100, 60 and 80 respectively. The number of students in P and Q are in the ratio of 1: 3. The number of students in Q and R is in the ratio 8 : 9. What is the average marks of the classes in the test? ?
  • (A) 85
  • (B) 75
  • (C) 65
  • (D) 55
11 >>Q11. The average weight of Nishu, Deepu and Sunny equals the weight of Aakash. The average weight of Nishu, Deepu and Aakash equals the weight of Sunny. If the average weight of all the four is 80 kg, what is the average weight of Aakash and Sunny? ?
  • (A) 74 kg
  • (B) 90 kg
  • (C) 80 kg
  • (D) 100 kg

Download Average Quiz

12 >>Q12. The average age of 25 students is 20 year. If the teacher's age is also included, the average age increases by one year, then what is the age of the teacher? ?
  • (A) 26 year
  • (B) 32 year
  • (C) 46 year
  • (D) 31 year
13 >>Q13. A cricketer played 17 innings and out in every inning. He makes a score of 85 runs in 17th inning and thus increased his average by 3. How much was his average after 1 7th inning? ?
  • (A) 37
  • (B) 47
  • (C) 57
  • (D) 59
14 >>Q14. The average weight of 16 persons in a group is increased by 1 kg, when in place of a person having weight 60 kg another new person is included. What is the weight of the new person? ?
  • (A) 63 kg
  • (B) 66 kg
  • (C) 73 kg
  • (D) 76 kg
15 >>Q15. In a group of 50 students, a new student is included in place of a student having height of 180 cm. If by this change, the average height of the students of the group is decreased by 1 cm, then find the height of new included student? ?
  • (A) 130 cm
  • (B) 140 cm
  • (C) 151 cm
  • (D) 121 cm
16 >>Q16. The average of 10 numbers is 8. If each number is multiplied by 15, then what will be the average of the new set of numbers? ?
  • (A) 125
  • (B) 120
  • (C) 130
  • (D) 140

17 >>Q17. The average of 12 numbers is 15. If 5 is added to each number, then what will be the average of new set of numbers? ?
  • (A) 15
  • (B) 17
  • (C) 20
  • (D) 75
18 >>Q18. The average of 8 numbers is 14. If 4 is subtracted from each numbers, then what will be the average of the new set of numbers? ?
  • (A) 56
  • (B) 10
  • (C) 40
  • (D) 4
19 >>Q19. The average temp. of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday was 45°C and the average temp. of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 42°C and that for Thursday was 43°C, then what was the temp. on Monday? ?
  • (A) 52 °C
  • (B) 49 °C
  • (C) 41 °C
  • (D) 45 °C
20 >>Q20. Two years ago, the average age of a family of 10 members was 25. If one child is included in the family, the average present age remained as such, then what is the present age of the child? ?
  • (A) 2 year
  • (B) 9 year
  • (C) 10 year
  • (D) 5 year

Important examples of Average Questions

Solution of Average Quiz 

Exp. Average is the sum of all the quantities divided by the total number of quantities (20+25+30+35+x)/5.This is given as 24, hence, 24= (20+25+30+35+x)/5.Solving it we have 24*5 = 20+25+30+35+x, which gives x=10.
Exp. Total weight of 20 students = Average*20 (25*20) = 500kg.Average weight of 19 students (excluding Vinay) = 24.8kg (25 - 0.2).Total weight of 19 students (excluding Vinay) = 24.8*19 = 471.2kg.Hence, weight of Vinay = 28.80kg (500 - 471.2).
Exp. Total cost = 59*16 = 944.Cost of items returned= 4*60 (Average of 4 items is 60) + 39 + 49 + 40368Remaining number of items99Cost of remaining items576576New average = 576/9 = 64.
Exp. Total weight of 18 students= 18*15 = 270kg.Average weight of 17 students (one student leaves the class)= 15 - 0.8 = 14.2kg.Total weight of 17 students= 14.2*17 = 241.4kg.Weight of the student who left the class= 270kg - 241.4kg = 28.6kg.
Exp. Sum of marks in Mathematics, Physics and ChemistryTRUESum of marks in Physics, Chemistry and BiologyTRUEHence, Marks in Biology - Marks in MathematicsTRUESum of marks in Mathematics and BiologyTRUEHence, Twice the marks in BiologyTRUEMarks in biology = 180/2 = 90.
Exp. The average height of any two of them exceeds half the height of the third by 80 cm; this means they all have the same height.Average height of Brijesh and RohitAverage height of Brijesh and Rohit= half the height of Ankit + 80cm.Hence, height of AnkitTRUE
Exp. Let number of women = x.Total salary given to men= 50*3000 = 150,000.Total salary given to women= 10,000*x.Total salary of all employeesHence, (50+x)*8000= 150,000 + 10,000*x.Solving this, we get x = 125.

Exp. Sum of ages of 4 men = 4*34 = 136.Average age of 5 men (including the man who joined the group) = 34 + 2 = 36.Sum of ages of 5 men = 5*36 = 180.Age of the new man = 180 - 136 = 44.
Exp. Ratio of number of students in P, Q and R is 8 : 24 : 27 (1*8 : 3*8 : 9*3).Average marks = (100*8 + 60*24 + 80*27)/(8 + 24 + 27) = 75.
Exp. Sum of all their weightsTRUEWeight of AakashAlso, three times weight of AakashHence, weight of Aakash= 80kg.Similarly, weight of Sunny= 80kg.Average weight of Aakash and Sunny= 80kg.
Exp. Sum of ages of 25 students = 25*20 = 500.Average age of students and teacher combined (26 people) = 21 (20 + 1).Sum of ages of students and teacher combined = 21*26 = 546.Hence, age of teacher = 546 - 500 = 46.
Exp. Let x be the average in 16 innings.Total runs scored after 16 innings= 16xTotal runs score after 17 innings= 85 + 16xAverage= (85 + 16x)/17, which is also equal to x+3.Hence, x = 34 and Average = 37.
Exp. Let average weight = x.Sum of weights = 16x.Average weight when new person included instead of person having weight 60kg = x + 1.Sum of new weights=  16*(x+1).Extra weightWeight of new personTRUE
Exp. Let average height = x.Sum of heights= 50x.New AverageNew sum of heights= 50*(x-1).Difference50Height of new studentTRUE
Exp. New Average120120
Exp. Sum of 12 numbers = 12*15 = 180.Sum of 12 numbers when 5 is added to each = 180 + 12*5 = 240.Average of new set = 240/12 = 20.
Exp. Sum of 8 numbers = 8*14 = 112.Sum of 8 numbers after subtracting 4 from each = 112 - (4*8) = 80.New average = 80/10 = 8.
Exp. Sum of temp. of Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayTRUESum of temp. of Tuesday, Wednesday and ThursdayTRUETemp. on thursday43Hence, sum of temp. of Tuesday, WednesdayTRUETemp. on Monday = 135 - 83 = 52.
Exp. Sum of ages two years agoTRUESum of ages at present (excluding the new child)TRUELet age of child = x.Average at present= 25 (same average).Hence, age of child