1 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
peslligen means basketball court;
ligenstrisi means courtroom;
oltaganti means placement test;
Which word could mean "guest room"? ?
- (A) peslstrisi
- (B) vosefstrisi
- (C) gantipesl
- (D) oltastrisi
2 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
mallonpiml means blue light;
mallontifl means blueberry;
arpantifl means raspberry;
Which word could mean "lighthouse"? ?
- (A) tiflmallon
- (B) pimlarpan
- (C) mallonarpan
- (D) pimldoken
3 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
morpirquat means birdhouse;
beelmorpir means bluebird;
beelclak means bluebell;
Which word could mean "house guest"? ?
- (A) morpirhunde
- (B) beelmoki
- (C) quathunde
- (D) clakquat
4 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
aptaose means first base;
eptaose means second base;
lartabuk means ballpark;
Which word could mean "baseball"? ?
- (A) buklarta
- (B) oseepta
- (C) bukose
- (D) oselarta
5 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
krekinblaf means workforce;
dritakrekin means groundwork;
krekinalti means workplace;
Which word could mean "someplace"? ?
- (A) moropalti
- (B) krekindrita
- (C) altiblaf
- (D) dritaalti
6 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
daftafoni means advisement
imodafta means misadvise
imolokti means misconduct
Which word could mean "statement"? ?
- (A) kratafoni
- (B) kratadafta
- (C) loktifoni
- (D) daftaimo
7 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
slar means jump
slary means jumping
slarend means jumped
Which word could mean "playing"? ?
- (A) clargslarend
- (B) clargy
- (C) ellaclarg
- (D) slarmont
8 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
jalkamofti means happy birthday
moftihoze means birthday party
mentogunn means goodness
Which word could mean "happiness"? ?
- (A) jalkagunn
- (B) mentohoze
- (C) moftihoze
- (D) hozemento
9 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
briftamint means militant
uftonel means occupied
uftonalene means occupation
Which word could mean "occupant"? ?
- (A) elbrifta
- (B) uftonamint
- (C) elamint
- (D) briftalene
10 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
relftaga means carefree
otaga means careful
fertaga means careless
Which word could mean "aftercare"? ?
- (A) zentaga
- (B) tagafer
- (C) tagazen
- (D) relffer
11 >>Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below. Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If robbhood means nextgeneration
< hoodgough means generationproud
goughspur means proudnation
Which word means next?
- (A) robb
- (B) hood
- (C) gough
- (D) spur
12 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If robbhood means nextgeneration
hoodgough means generationproud
goughspur means proudnation
Which word means generation? ?
- (A) robb
- (B) hood
- (C) gough
- (D) spur
13 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If robbhood means nextgeneration
hoodgough means generationproudn
Which word could mean nextissue?
- (A) robbgees
- (B) hoodrobb
- (C) goughrobb
- (D) spurgough
14 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If creektulo means treeplantation
creekfuos means treemutation
fuosseed means mutationsapling
Which word means mutation? ?
- (A) Creek
- (B) Tulo
- (C) Fuos
- (D) Seed
15 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If creektulo means treeplantation
creekfuos means treemutation
fuosseed means mutationsapling
Which word means sapling? ?
- (A) Creek
- (B) Tulo
- (C) Fuos
- (D) Seed
16 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If creektulo means tree plantation
creekfuos means tree mutation
fuosseed means mutation sapling
Which word means plantation? ?
- (A) Creek
- (B) Tulo
- (C) Fuos
- (D) Seed
17 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If fenplac means filmyholiday
Placston means holidaybeach
Stonrum means beachperform
Rumfen means performfilmy
Which word means holiday? ?
- (A) Plac
- (B) Rum
- (C) Ston
- (D) Fen
18 >>Here are some of the words translated from an artificial language.
If fenplac means filmyholiday
Placston means holidaybeach
Stonrum means beachperform
Rumfen means performfilmy
Which word means filmy? ?
- (A) Plac
- (B) Rum
- (C) Ston
- (D) Fen
19 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
lelibroon means yellowhat
plekafroti means flowergarden
rotimix means gardensalad
Which word could mean "yellowflower"? ?
- (A) lelifroti
- (B) lelipleka
- (C) plekabroon
- (D) frotibroon
20 >>Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
myncabel means saddlehorse
conowir means trailride
cabelalma means horse blanket
Which word could mean "horseride"? ?
- (A) cabelwir
- (B) conocabel
- (C) almamyn
- (D) conoalma